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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty


Rubrics are an advanced grading method used for criteria-based assessment. The rubric consists of a set of criteria plotted against levels of achievement. A numeric grade is assigned to each level. For each criterion, the assessor chooses the level they judge the work to have reached. The raw rubric score is calculated as a sum of all criteria grades. The final grade is calculated by comparing the actual score with the worst/best possible score that could be received.

Enable a rubric in your assignment

There are two ways.

The first is at the point of setting up the Assignment.

  1. In your assignment's Settings, expand the Grade section.
  2. From the Grading method menu, choose Rubric.
  3. Note the Maximum grade setting - whatever numeric grade you assign to your criteria levels, the ultimate grade for the assignment will be recalculated as the proportion of that maximum grade.
  4. Save the settings; Rubric is now enabled for that particular Assignment.

Advanced Grade Settings Rubric

The other is via the Assignment's Settings block:

  1. From the Assignment's summary page, in its Settings block, click Advanced grading; a new page displays a menu.
  2. From the Change active grading method to menu, choose Rubric; this initiates the rubric setup process.

Advanced Grading Rubric Settings 

Grading submissions with a rubric

  1. To access the submissions, click a link to the Assignment; its summary page displays.
  2. Click Grade; the Student Grading Page displays the work of the first student listed in the Grading Table.
  3. The rubric you have set up will display as a table on one side of the screen - you can display it larger by clicking its Expand / arrowheads icon (to dock the rubric, click the icon again).
  4. For each criterion, select a level by clicking in its cell; when selected the level displays shaded (default pale green).
  5. If enabled on the rubric form, you can type in comments for each criterion.
  6. Save changes.

Advanced Grading with a rubric

External Resources