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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty

Backup a LATTE Course

Important: To create course backups and restore materials from one course to another, you must have Instructor status in both courses. 

1. Open your previous course that you would like to duplicate.  Select Backup in the Administration block. 

2. Keep all defaults and select Jump to final step. 

3. Select continue.  Your new backup file will appear in the User private backup area, which stores your backup file in LATTE. 

LATTE Backup and Download Settings

4. Select the link to Download the backup file onto your computer. 


5. Open a new tab and login to Brandeis Box.

6. Find the location where you would like to add the Backup File.  You cannot add this file to the LATTE backup folder created by ITS. Instead, we recommend creating a new folder with an easily identifiable and memorable name for your personal LATTE backup files. 

7. Select New and then select File Upload from the dropdown menu.

Upload a new file to Brandeis Box

8. Find the file you want to upload. An easy to find this is to select the download folder and sort by last modified.

Select the course backup file that you downloaded and select open. 

Uploading a File From the Download Folder on a PC

9. In Box you will see a message confirming that the file has uploaded. 

Upload confirmation message from Brandeis Box

See the next tab Restore into a New Course to finish transferring your course into Moodle. 

Restore into new Moodle Course

1. Open your new course. From the course header, select the More option and select Course Reuse from the dropdown menu.

Moodle 4 Restore Settings

2. On the dropdown menu on the left side of the screen, select Restore.

3. To restore a course backup file select Choose a File. From the File picker select Box.

4. Use your Brandeis credentials to log into Box.  Grant access to Brandeis Box. 

Moodle 4 Restore Settings

5. Select the course backup, and confirm by clicking Select this file.

6. Select Restore.

Moodle 4 Restore Settings from Box

7. On the next page, Confirm, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Continue.

8. On the next page, Destination, you can choose one of several options for restoring the backup data into your course. The most common option is Restore into this course → Merge the backup course into this course. Click Continue in your desired section.

9. On the next page, Settings, scroll to the bottom and select continue.

a. Optional: The Schema page allows you the opportunity to uncheck and remove any specific items from being imported (if desired).  Click Next.

10.  The next page, Review, gives you one last opportunity to review the content that is being restored into the course.  If you need to make changes select the Previous button at the bottom. Select the button Perform Restore to begin the restore process. 

When the restore is complete, a green banner will appear, confirming that everything was restored properly.  Click Continue to return to the course page into which you restored the data backup. 


Moodle 4 Restore Confirmation Setting Options in Moodle