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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty


Approximately two months before the term begins, you will gain access to your upcoming courses in Moodle. Once notified that your course is ready, you can begin updating the course and its materials.

This page outlines the necessary tasks to prepare your course and a recommended timeline for completing them. We strongly encourage following this timeline rather than waiting until the last minute.

IMPORTANT: Many sections in this guide contain multiple tabs, each with essential information. Ensure you click on each tab to update all items thoroughly. We will regularly update this guide with more detailed instructions and screenshots to support your course development process.


Courses should open for students one week before the start of the term. See the bottom of this page for instructions on opening the course. At this time, students should have access to the following:

  1. The Course Overview and Resources section
  2. Weeks 1-3

We recommend hiding Weeks 4-10 initially. If you do so, remember to re-open each week two weeks before it begins.

Restore past course from LATTE

Course Backups from LATTE have been shared with Faculty via Brandeis's Box tool. This allows for that content to become available for use in either the Brandeis Moodle Courses site or in Brandeis Moodle Communities site. An additional benefit is that using Box will allow an instructor to upload a course that is larger than the maximum file size upload limit (of 60mb). 

This procedure is Described in detail on the Design Your Course Page of this LibGuide. 

Review Course

Once you have access to the course in Moodle, take some time to familiarize yourself with it, even if you have taught it before. Open all sections, click on each link, and review the assignments and evaluation criteria. Update any typos or broken links you encounter.

After your initial review, follow the steps in this guide to update and prepare your course.

Update Content in Moodle

Block Drawer

  • Configure the Welcome to your Moodle course! Block.  Review and adjust it as needed, especially if it hasn't been updated in a while.
  • Add your name and credentials in the placeholder.
  • Update your contact and availability information.

Course Overview and Settings

  • The News & Announcements forum in the General section at the top of the course allows the instructors to send messages directly to student email accounts.  
  • Access course settings below the course header. On the course settings page, you can:

    • Add a course description
    • Add a course image
    • Adjust the course format
    • Enable completion tracking

Weekly Sections

  • Enter brief descriptions for the week's overview, discussions, and assignments. You can pull this information from your syllabus or prompts.
  • Set due dates for assignments.
  • Check that all links to content are functional and relevant, including PDFs, websites, videos, and podcasts.
  • Optional: Set or update section restrict access dates.

Whole Course

  • Review the gradebook to ensure the grade distribution is correct.
  • Set up Private Forums and any other groups.

Upload Your Syllabus

This feature in Moodle allows all Brandeis students to browse uploaded syllabi associated with participating Brandeis courses.  The instructor of the course decides whether to make the syllabus available to the Brandeis community. 

Instructors also have the additional option of making a course syllabus public via the Brandeis Registrar’s Schedule of Classes interface. 

If you want to share your syllabus only with the students registered in the class, follow these instructions to upload and share a file with the class.

Sharing Your Syllabus with the Brandeis Community

  1. Select the course you are teaching from the Moodle Dashboard.

  2. Open the right-hand block drawer by clicking the arrow in the grey semi-circular tabbed handle in the top right corner of any Moodle page.

  3. Select the Upload Course Syllabus link from the Moodle Course Tools block.

  4. Select the Choose File button on the left-hand side.  Browse for your file on your computer, and select Open to select the appropriate file. 

  5. Select the Upload button to upload the syllabus for browsing. 

Course Tools Block Moodle 4


Upload Course Syllabus Settings

Sharing Your Syllabus Publicly Through the Registrar’s Schedule of Classes

  1. If you have yet to do so, first follow the instructions for sharing your syllabus with the Brandeis community(directions above). 
  2. The Make Course Syllabus Public link will now appear in the LATTE Course Tools block of your course shell. Click on the Make Course Syllabus Public link.  The Course syllabus will then be available for download via the Brandeis Registrar’s Schedule of Classes interface. 

After you make a syllabus public, the Make Course Syllabus Private link will appear.

If, at any time, you want to remove the public link on the Registrar’s Schedule of Classes, you can click on the “Make Course Syllabus Private” link. 

Make Course Syllabus Public and Private Settings 

Updating Your Syllabus

You can update your uploaded syllabus by taking the following steps:

  • If the old syllabus is public- first make the old syllabus private with the Make Course Syllabus Private link.
  • Upload the new syllabus with the Upload Course Syllabus link.
  • If you wish to make the new syllabus public, click the Make Course Syllabus Public link.

Browsing Brandeis Syllabi

If you want to see all currently uploaded syllabi, click on the Browse Course Syllabi link in the Course Tools block in your Moodle course.

Delete/Remove Uploaded Syllabi

Once a syllabus has been uploaded it cannot be removed, but it can be replaced with a revised syllabus. If a revised syllabus is not yet prepared, a blank file can be uploaded temporarily. 

Welcome Announcement

Draft the Welcome Message

Sunday Prior to the First Week of Class

The Course News & Announcements Forum allows you to send emails to all enrolled students. Instructors are strongly encouraged to send an announcement welcoming students to the course on the Sunday prior to the first week of class. Many faculty members choose to write their announcements in advance and schedule them to appear on their preferred days of the week (see the next tab in this box for instructions).

Suggested content for the Welcome Message:

  • A welcome to the students
  • How you would prefer students to refer to you and/or your gender pronouns
  • An introduction of yourself, including your professional experience and some personal details
  • An explanation of your interest in the course
  • An overview of the course and its goals
  • What you hope students will gain from the course

Scheduling Announcements

You can send announcements instantly or schedule them in advance.  Scheduling announcements gives you the flexibility to send messages at a set time, even when you're busy with something else.  The announcement will be stored in Moodle, but hidden from students until the display time.  There is no limit to the number of announcements you can schedule.

1. Open the News & Announcements forum in the top section of your course. 

2. Select the blue Add discussion topic button. 

3. Enter a subject and a message.

4. Select the advanced link

News and Announcements Forum Settings in Moodle 4

5. Enable Display Start.  Set it to the date and time that students can see the post. 

Announcements Scheduling Settings Moodle 4

6. Do not enable Display End. 

7. Select the blue Post to forum button.


Open the Course

At least one week before the course starts

All courses are hidden by default so students cannot access them before they are ready.  Faculty are responsible for opening their courses at least one week before the term starts. 

You must open the course before sending any announcements.  If scheduling announcements, you must open the course before the display start date of the Welcome Message. 

1. Select settings from the course home page. 

2. Change the Course visibility from Hide to Show. 

Course Visibility Settings in Moodle 4

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the blue Save and display button.