By default, Moodle courses use the Collapsible Topics format. Below the course header, several sections, called topics, are available to organize the class activities and resources. The topics can be populated and modified in many ways to suit the needs of the course and the instructor.
Topics can be expanded and collapsed by any page viewer by select the triangle next to each topic's title. To open all topics on the Moodle course page, select Expand All.
To modify your topics or their contents, first, select the Edit Mode button. With editing turned on, click the pencil edit icon next to a Topic name. Type in a new title for the Topic, such as the date of the class session or the number and title of the course unit. Press Enter on your keyboard to save the new title. Pressing the Esc key or clicking elsewhere on the page before saving will cancel the change.
You can move topics to reorder them in two ways;
1. Select the Kebab menu for the topic and then select arrows icon Move.
3. Select where you would like to move the Topic.
Option 2: While in Edit Mode select the topic and drag it above or below another topic.
Activities and resources can also be moved using either of these methods.
Navigate to the topic you want to delete, select the Kebab menu, then Delete topic.
IMPORTANT: Deleting a topic will also delete anything inside it; be sure you have moved anything you want to keep into another topic before deleting.
To add a new topic, scroll to the last topic on the course page and click + Add topics.
You can change the visibility of any topic from the Kebab menu on its right side. Clicking Highlight, Hide, or Show Topic (from a hidden topic) in the Edit menu will immediately change the visibility of that topic.
Highlighting a topic makes that topic expand automatically for your students and adds a blue border to its left edge to call attention to it, even when collapsed. In the selected topic’s Edit menu, click Highlight. Only one topic can be highlighted at a time; highlighting a different topic will remove the highlight from the previous one. You can also remove the topic highlight by opening the Edit menu on the highlighted topic and clicking Remove Highlight.
In the topic’s Edit menu, click Hide. When a topic is hidden, students will not be able to see the topic or any of the activities and resources the topic contains. You will know a topic is hidden from the students' view when the topic title shows the “Hidden from students” notice and the font color turns gray.
In the topic’s Edit menu, click Show Topic, which will have replaced the Hide topic option. This makes the topic and all its visible contents available to the students immediately. If any items inside the topic are hidden individually, they will remain hidden even when the topic is visible.