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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty


Perusall is a service for instructors to post their course readings, textbooks, and PDFs online. Students access the course material and can annotate the readings, post comments, and ask questions publicly shared with the entire class.  Completing readings can become graded assignments and the entire class (or multiple sections of a course) can work together to understand the material. Now, Perusall can automatically connect with Moodle for a seamless learning experience, without having students create an additional log-in.

Transferring Past Perusall Courses

How do I copy over a course I used in LATTE?  

If you previously taught a course in Perusall through LATTE, you can easily transfer the content to a new course in Moodle. 

Step-by-step Guide

1. Create a new course in Moodle by turning on Edit Mode and select Add an activity or resource.  Select Perusall from the Activity Chooser. 

Perusall Activity in Moodle

2. On the next screen, select the blue Select content button

Link to Select Perusall Content in Moodle

3. We recommend selecting the option Link to home page

Perusall Link to Home Page Setting in Moodle Settings

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save and return to course.

5. Select the link to the Perusall home page.  In Perusall, navigate to the Get Started section, and select the option to Copy existing course. 

Perusall Settings to Copy Course

Select the next tab, Select Content to continue. 


1. Under Courses to Copy select the drop down to locate the previous course in Perusall you want to copy from. 

2. In Content to Copy and Assignments to copy, select the content and assignments you would like to copy into the new Perusall Course. Select the Green Continue button at the bottom of the screen. 

3. You can skip the Select Content Screen.

4. On the student cost screen select $0, and then select the Green Continue button. 

Perusall settings for selecting content



Basic Settings

On the Basic settings setup screen you need to add in the academic department for the class, and adjust the Start data and End Date for the course. 

Scoring and Analytics

Select whether and how analytics and scoring are part of your course

  • Automatic grading and engagement analytics - Perusall will provide data about engagement and grading will be done automatically. You can override automatically assigned grades and decide when they are shared with students. 
  • Manual grading and engagement analytics - Perusall will provide data about student engagement.  You can review this data to manually assign scores to students. 
  • Disable grading, but provide engagement analytics - Perusall will provide data about student engagement.  All assignments will be ungraded and the gradebook will be disabled. 
  • Disable all analytics - Perusall will not provide any data about student engagement.  The Gradebook will be disabled. 

Grade Sync to LMS

Perusall can automatically synchronize with the Moodle gradebook.  

  • Do not sync grades back to the LMS 
  • Manually sync individual assignments scores back to the LMS
  • Automatically sync individual assignments scores back to the LMS
  • Automatically sync students' average scores back to the LMS

LMS gradebook Column Management

  • Instructor creates deep links in LMS; no Perusall gradebook columns will appear in LMS until deep links have been created
  • Perusall creates gradebook columns in LMS for each Perusall assignment 

Enrollment Estimate and Target Group Size 

The number of students you expect to join the course.  Perusall will use this value and the Target Group Size value to create discussion groups for students.  If you don't want groups created within Persuall, leave the value for Target Group Size the same as Enrollment Estimate. 

Select the Green Continue button at the bottom of the screen. 

Select the next tab, Ready to go!, to continue setting up Perusall. 



Ready to go!

Perusall will sync automatically with Moodle to load the full students roster.  Use this link to learn more about how Perusall and Moodle work together: Moodle Instructor Setup

The next step depends upon how you would like to use Perusall in Moodle.  If you plan on providing unique, individual links to each Perusall assignment, you can now add them to your course by following this procedure:

1) Enable Edit Mode

2) Select Add and activity or resource

3) Select Perusall

4) Select Content

5) Under Assignments, select the assignment from the drop down menu. Note that there is an option to import the assignment instructions into the LMS(Moodle).  

6. Select Link to this assignment 

7. If you are grading this assignment, edit the grade so that it aligns with the grading system you are using for Perusall assignments. 

8. Select Save and Return to Course. 

Moodle 4 Add a Perusall assignment settings

Perusall Assignment Ideas

Perusall's annotation and commenting features allow for a wide range of activities:   

  • Ask students to provide a real-life example from a theoretical reading 
    • Link a Youtube video, article, or picture 
  • Use the hashtag (#) linking function to identify course themes in a reading 
  • Ask and answer questions about the reading  
    • Students can star or +1 questions they want to see answered in the next class 
  • Each student summarizes a page of the reading in a comment 
  • Students respond to the author, providing their own insight and research about the topic  
  • Identify the thesis or main ideas of the reading and provide commentary 
  • Populate a reading with "sign-posts" that help guide students through a text 

Have additional examples of suggestions to add to this guide? Email the Library to have them included! 

Student Access to Perusall

Once a Perusall link has been created within your Moodle course, ask students to click on the assignment link. An account will automatically be created for them the first time they open Perusall. The assigned reading will appear, and students can highlight, comment, ask questions, or even add an emoji reaction! 

If you have created groups, students will be randomly assigned to them. If you prefer to manually assign to students to groups, you must do so within the Perusall course page. Access the Course Setting and select the Group Options tab. You can manually assign students into a group by placing the group number next to the student's name.

Commenting in Persuall

  • To add a comment, highlight text in the document. You'll see a new conversation window appear on the right where you can enter your comment. Then press enter/return to save the comment; it will be immediately visible
    Highlight text to add a comment
  • To edit a comment, click on the comment to edit it. Change the text of your comment as needed, and then press Enter to save your changes
  • To add a link, video, image, or emoji, use the buttons at the top of the comment window
  • To delete a comment, click the trash can icon beneath the comment bubble. To avoid disrupting the flow of an ongoing conversations, you can only delete or edit a comment until someone has responded to it
    Delete Comment

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